Timmins is currently in the midst of celebrating four centennials. These celebrations have inspired a number of commemoration projects and local histories to be written. A concise history of mining in the area is one example of this commemoration.
Photo credit: The History of Timmins, The Early Years. This website has a number of photographs of Timmins and area from Library and Archives Canada and local collections.
Hello! I was born at South Porcupine General Hospital, which I understand is no longer in service. I am trying to find out where all the birth records are from early years. I can find my birth certificate, but it does not have my TIME of birth and I was told that sometimes the hospitals have those records. Any idea where the records from So. Porcupine Gen. Hospital might now be housed? Many thanks! MJ
Checking with the local library or museum staff might be a good place to start. They often know where local records are held or have contacts in the community who might be able to help.
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